Welcome to this empowering article where we delve into the crucial topic of high functioning alcoholism in the workplace. If you or someone you know is struggling with alcohol addiction…
Healing from PTSD and Substance Abuse
For many, the experience of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is closely linked with addiction. The intense emotional and psychological stress of PTSD often leads individuals to substance use as a…
Childhood Trauma’s Role in Adult Addiction
The connection between childhood trauma and adult addiction is a critical, yet often overlooked, aspect of understanding addiction. Traumatic experiences in your early life can set the stage for substance…
Supporting Family in Addiction Recovery
Supporting a loved one through addiction is a journey that requires deep understanding and empathy. Recognizing the challenges they face and the complexity of addiction is the first step. It's…
Incorporating Fitness into Recovery
Navigating the road to recovery from addiction is a multifaceted journey, where integrating physical fitness can act as a powerful ally. The confluence of sustained sobriety and regular exercise has…
Understanding Shame in Addiction Recovery
Shame often shadows addiction, lurking in the silence of stigmatized confessions and self-deprecating thoughts. It’s a common, yet debilitating, emotional response that can prevent you from seeking help or embracing…